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Creating Permanent OpenAthens Links

Recommended approach: Using the permanent links available in Summon is the easiest way to link to content and consistent user experience. View instructions on using permanent links in Summon.

Secondary approach: For many resources, you can also create a direct link to an item that will require an OpenAthens login. 

There are important exceptions to these instructions.

You can add the Go OpenAthens Prefix in front of the URL from the publisher website or database

You may also find that some publisher websites and databases provide a link that already contains some OpenAthens code. For example: This link will work for access but will require the end user to choose their Institution, and then login with their CWL.

Note: It is not recommended to add the OpenAthens prefix to a DOI as the end-user experience is variable depending on the publisher and UBC Library access options. To search UBC Library using a DOI, use the Summon advanced search.