The UBC Music Research Guide lists print and electronic resources supporting teaching, learning and research at the UBC School of Music.
Searching for a specific music database? Use the All Music Databases A-Z tab to the left.
Starting your music research? Use the Where to begin your research box below.
Expanding your music research? Use the tabs to the left on this guide for enhanced lists of music databases both subscription and open access.
Visiting and browsing the collection? Use the Browsing the physical collection box below to find print music materials by subject category headings.
Need additional help? Please don't hesitate to contact me.
David Haskins
Music Librarian
Phone: (604) 827-2197
Listed below are several key library music resources I recommend to start your research process.
Materials in a music library are assigned unique Library of Congress (LC) call numbers and shelved according to call number range. LC call numbers are alpha-numeric. The letter portion includes one or more capital letters to indicate the general subject area. The number portion includes one or more arabic numbers to subdivide the subject area.
The Library of Congress (LC) Classification Outline for Music provides detailed information regarding the general subject area locations of music materials in an academic music library and serves as a helpful guide for browsing physical collections.
Below is an abbreviated version.
Class M, for music, is subdivided into three main sections:
M notated music (scores)
ML literature on music (books about music, such as biographies, histories, discographies, thematic indexes, etc.)
MT musical instruction and study (method books, pedagogical studies and exercises, treatises, books on music theory, etc.)
Class M
M2: Monuments, sources, reprints, etc.
M3: Complete and collected works of individual composers
M5-M1450: Instrumental music
M1495-M2199: vocal music
Class ML
Class MT