Piano pedagogy is the study of teaching piano and encompasses a wide variety of skills and topics, from teaching piano musicianship and theory, to developing educational strategies and approaches, to managing a studio or classroom.
This research guide provides you with information on where and how to find piano pedagogy resources such as reference books, teaching literature, pedagogical materials, articles, dissertations, recordings, and more at the MAA Library. It also provides some recommended resources to help you get started with your research.
Beginner Method Books
Alfred's Premier Piano Express
Book 1: MT746 .A4384 Bk. 1 2016
Book 2: MT746 .A4384 Bk. 2 2016
Bastien New Traditions All in One Piano Course
Primer A: MT746.B372 B3 2016
Primer B: MT746.B372 B32 2016
Level 1A: MT746.B372 B33 2016
Level 1B: MT746.B372 B34 2016
Level 2A: MT746.B372 B35 2016
Level 2B: MT746.B372 B36 2017
Mix and Match
Primer: MT746.C43 M5 2017
Level 1: MT746.C43 M51 2017
Older beginners: MT746.C43 M58 2017
Pedagogical Literature
For help with finding audio/visual materials at UBC Library, be sure to check out our Audio/Visual resources guide!
Music students have produced a wealth of dissertations and theses around piano pedagogy and its related topics. At UBC, all electronic theses are available through the cIRcle repository, and are a useful tool for anyone interested in researching and learning more about piano pedagogy from peers at the forefront of musical research.
For help with navigating cIRcle, please refer to our Research Theses and Dissertations guide.
Call Numbers
The MAA Library uses unique alphanumeric call numbers to organize and arrange its materials. The capital letters indicate a general subject area, which the numbers further subdivide into more specific topics. You can find music materials under call numbers beginning with M. There are three general sections of music materials:
M: notated music (scores)
ML: literature on music (books about music, such as biographies, histories, discographies, thematic indexes, etc.)
MT: musical instruction and study (method books, pedagogical studies and exercises, treatises, books on music theory, etc.)
For more information about music subject areas, the Library of Congress (LC) Classification Outline for Music provides detailed information about call number ranges for specific topics in music.
Piano Pedagogy Call Numbers
• MT3: History and criticism of theory
• MT5.5-7: Music theory
• MT9-15: Printed pedagogical aids
• MT17: Music in special education
• MT20-34: Systems and methods
• MT35-39: Notation
• MT40-67: Composition
• MT68: Improvisation
• MT70-74: Instrumentation and orchestration
• MT75: Interpretation
• MT82: Memorization
• MT85: Conducting, score reading and playing
• MT90: Analysis and appreciation of musical works
• MT150: Audio-visual aids
• MT155: Music theory for children
• MT220-255: Instrumental techniques – Keyboard instruments – Piano
• MT740-810: Instrumental techniques for children
Subject Headings
The MAA Library uses Library of Congress (LC) subject headings to describe its materials. You can use these as a search tool in the Books and Media Catalogue search engine to find materials in the library catalogue which cover the same topics. To get started, check out the below list of LC subject headings which are relevant to topics in piano pedagogy.
Piano Pedagogy Subject Headings