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Xwi7xwa - Distance Research

This guide supports researchers working with Indigenous topics. It also supports faculty who are teaching remotely.

Getting Started

UBC Library purchases or subscribes online resources, just like purchasing hard copies for our branches like books, journals, etc. for the UBC community. In order to gain access to online resources the systems need to know you're affiliated with UBC, it does this by using OpenAthens (web proxy server which acts as an authentication system, verify that users are current UBC authorized users).

Use these resources to help get connected to the knowledge you need!

On campus

Current UBC students, faculty, staff and Alumni can access licensed electronic resources - including ebooks, ejournals, streaming videos, Indexes & Databases and other online resources - using a valid Campus-Wide Login (CWL).

Off campus

Current students, faculty and staff can get authenticated access to licensed electronic resources, anywhere in the world via a valid Campus-Wide Login (CWL). All off-campus Users will be authenticated via OpenAthens. Do not use myVPN.

Starting from the UBC Library homepage, there are two ways to get started with OpenAthens:

1) On the Library Homepage, use the "LOGIN" drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the grey bar

2) From the Library Homepage, start searching. The first link-out to a licensed resource will automatically pause to request authentication via OpenAthens.

For more information on using OpenAthens, please see:

Note: Alumni with an Alumni Card (A-Card) can get remote access via an authorized CWL to select resources licensed for Alumni. 

If you are having issues with accessing online resources through the UBC library, please fill out this form to receive help gaining access!

e-Books & Media

Xwi7xwa purchased many individual Indigenous-focused streaming media titles which are hosted on a platform called McIntyre Media. Here is a list of selected streaming media at X̱wi7x̱wa Library

There are two ways you'll be prompted to connect before you can access your online item:

  1. Login to the library website using your CWL before you start browsing -
  2. Browse the library website and enter your CWL when the system prompts you (usually when you want to view an online journal or e-book)

Here’s how to search the library catalogue for streaming content:

  • To look for a particular title, at the basic search, enter a keyword (use AND, OR, NOT or “a phrase”) and include the following in your search string: video and online and xwi7xwa. Example: To find The Pass System, enter the following: “pass system” video and online and xwi7xwa
  • To browse what’s available, at the basic search, enter the following: video and online and xwi7xwa. You can then filter your results by selecting “video recording” under the content type.

IMPORTANT: When searching for streaming media in UBC's Catalogue you may not find the title you're looking for but you still may have streaming privileges of that title!!! 

Check National Film Board (needs Campus Wide Login)

Check Criterion on Demand

UBC Streaming Video

UBC Library provides access to online films covering a very broad range of topics. Film collections below are organized alphabetically.

Online Film

Below is a list of websites that contain free, education focused, online videos.