Welcome to the course guide for SOCW 553 - this resource is designed to help guide you through the review research and writing process, leading to the completion of your evidence-informed practice group assignment.
Topics covered in this guide are designed to complement the in-class sessions that you will be receiving.
It is strongly recommended that your group book a meeting with Arielle following the in-person session to ensure your research question and search strategy meet the parameters and specificity of this assignment. Meetings can be booked via email - arielle.lomness@ubc.ca
Borrowing in Person - your UBC Card is your Library card.
Connecting from Home - you'll need your Campus-wide Login (CWL) to login or borrow resources from the Library. We are now using a tool called OpenAthens - where you can use institutional login pages to select UBC and log in with your CWL. For additional support, check out the Connecting to Library Resources guide.
Borrowing from outside the Library - you can order materials from Vancouver using Document Delivery and from outside of UBC using InterLibrary Loan.
Printing - to print in the Library you'll need your EAD login: Username: CWL.stu Password: CWL Password