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- GHO - Global Health Observatory (WHO)
Statistical data from WHO, available by country or subject.
- Institute of Health Economics - Database of Online Health Statistics
This page contains links to statistical resources, sorted both by region and by health topic.
- Global Health Atlas (WHO)
Data from WHO, searchable by topic and geographical area. Broad categories are communicable diseases, noncummunicable diseases, human resources for health, and world health statistics.
- Gapminder
Non-profit organization promoting sustainable global development and achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals by sharing socioeconomic and health data. Lets you visualize changes in demographics using a beautiful and intuitive interface.
- CANCERMondial
Provides access to various databases that contain information related to cancer occurrences worldwide.
- Global Health Data Exchange
Catalogue of world health and demographic data operated by the Institue for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Can be used to locate population census data, indicators and estimates, administrative health data, and financial data related to health.