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Government Publications: International Statistics


    Database contains statistics for over 200 countries/territories. Included are yearly statistics of employment, unemployment, hours of work, wages, labour cost, consumer price indices, occupational injuries, strikes and lockouts, monthly statistics of employment, unemployment, hours of work, wages, consumer price indices.

    Data available up until 2008. For data from 2009 onward, visit ILOSTAT.

    Provides annual labour market statistics for over 100 indicators and nearly 230 countries, areas, and territories. The Yearly indicators dataset contains standardized indicators for purposes of greater comparability across countries. The Short term indicators dataset contains monthly, quarterly and half-year data and is updated on a monthly basis.

    For pre-2009 data, visit LABORSTA.

  • Yearbook of Labour Statistics. HD7802.A348
    Produced by the International Labour Office. Includes data on employment, hours of work, labour cost, wages, labour disputes.

  • International Labor Comparisons
    Adjusts data to a common conceptual framework because direct comparisons of national statistics across countries can be misleading due to differing concepts and methods. Provides international comparisons of hourly compensation costs; productivity and unit labor costs; labor force, employment and unemployment rates; and consumer prices. The comparisons relate primarily to the major industrial countries, but other countries are included in certain measures.

  • Key Indicators of the Labour Market
    A collection of 30 key indicators of the labour market, ranging from employment--and variables relating to employment (status, sector, hours, etc.)--to the lack of work and the characteristics of jobseekers (education, wages and compensation costs, labour productivity and working poverty, etc.).

  • International Labour Organization Child Labour Statistics
    Includes information from the International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS), which is the authoritative body to set global standards in labour statistics. Also includes micro datasets and survey reports from around the world as well as research on critical statistical issues and regular trend reports.