Open Access Repositories
An open-access repository or open archive is a digital platform that holds research output and provides free, immediate and permanent access to research results for anyone to use, download and distribute. The popularity of Open Access in Latin America is soaring. According to Emma Clarke, the Open Access model "is used more extensively in [LatinAmerica] than in any other region in the wold, in the form of online repositories hosting journals and dissertations at a regional, national and institutional level." [Open Access: The View from Latin America by Emma Clarke, editor, Peter Lang Publishers]
The key Open Access Repositories from Spain and Latin America are listed below.
- ÍnDICEs-CSIC Information and Documentation of Science in Spain
A multidisciplinary bibliographic resource that provides citations to thousands of scholarly journals in the social sciences and the humanities mainly published in Spain. Search options include keyword searches in all journals included ("consulta conjunta") or by thematic area ("area tematica").
- Dialnet
Electronic library of Spanish academic journals, hosted by the University de la Rioja in Spain. Covers more than 5,000 journals and 2.1 million documents from 1980 to present. Primarily a bibliographic index with tables of contents, but there are an increasing number of fulltext articles available. Particularly useful for subjects related to Spain, such as history and Islamic studies, not well covered by other popular databases. English language search is available.
- Centro Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes
Maintained by the Universidad de Alicante, this project is a Center for Digital Humanities. It holds multiple materials in different hispanic languages. You can find academic journals here and browse other areas here.
Latin America
- RedIB (Red Iberoamericana)
An open access digital platform that provides access to high quality scholarly journals in the social sciences, humanities and sciences. The titles are in Spanish and are published in Spain and Latin America.
- LatAmPlus - Estudios Latinoamericanos
Digital collection of full-text peer reviewed journals
- Latindex - Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal
Indexes journals published in Latin-America and the Caribean, with some full text.
- RedALyC: Red de Revistas Cientificas de America Latina y El Caribe
Indexes some 180 social science serials published in Latin America and Spain. Includes over 160,000 full text articles. Developed by the Universidad Autonoma de Estado de Mexico.
- CLACSO Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales de América Latina y el Caribe
Provides free access to the texts of the 324 CLACSO Member Centers in 25 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
- SciELO Scientific Electronic Library Online
A model for cooperative electronic publishing of scientific journals on the Internet, conceived to meet the scientific communication needs of developing countries, particularly Latin America and the Caribbean countries. Includes 630 scholarly peer reviewed journals, from Spain, Portugal, several South American countries and Cuba.