Using the Image Manager
- In the Rich Text/HTML box, place the cursor where the image should be and click on the Image () button on the second row of the toolbar
- In the Image Properties window, click the Browse Server button
- In the Image Manager window, select or upload a new image
- To upload and insert a new image, click the Upload New Image (any JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, or ICO file up to 5MB in size)
- To insert an existing image, click on the Reuse this Image () icon under its thumbnail
- In the Image Properties window, customize the image using the options under the Image Info tab
- URL: this contains the URL of the image from the Image Manager library
- Alternative Text: it is recommended to add effective alternative text
- Width and Height: customize the dimensions of the image.
- When the padlock icon is locked, entering a width or height will automatically calculate the other dimension so the image retains its aspect ratio
- Click on the padlock icon to toggle the aspect ratio on/off
- Restore the default dimensions by clicking on the Reset Size icon
- To link the image to a URL, click on the Link tab
- URL: enter the URL of the page to link to
- Target: select whether to open the link in the current window or a new window.
- Click OK to insert the image.
- Save the changes to Rich Text/HTML content item
For more information, see How to add and edit images...
Tips for Images
- Be conscious of copyright
- Resize (e.g. resizr) before uploading to enable faster page loading
- Compress larger images
- Provide descriptive text ("alt tags")