All LibApps users have a profile box, which can be customized and added to guides to let patrons know who created a guide and how to contact the creator.
By default, your profile box is displayed on every page of every guide you own.
To edit the content that appears in your profile box, click your username/email in the top right corner of the Command Bar to open your account, and then click My Profile. You can customize your profile box with a title (e.g. "Librarian", "Need research help?"), add an image, and provide information such as your email, website, and other contact info.
You can choose to add additional profile boxes when collaborating with other library employees on a guide.
For more information, see Adding a Profile Box to a Guide.
When editing a page in your guide, you may notice a blue pencil icon in the top right corner of your Profile Box. Clicking this icon will allow you to edit your profile box, but changes you make will only affect the profile box on the page you are currently on. Changes will not be applied to your default profile box or to your profile box on other pages.
To remove your profile box from a page, click on the Delete Box (X) link that appears in the top right corner of your profile box when in guide edit mode. You must click this link on every page on which you wish to remove the box.
For more information, see Deleting a box from a page.
Everyone with an account in LibGuides has a Profile Page that will display contact info, guides you've created, and other content as desired. It is up to each user to determine how to best use his or her Profile Page, or to not use it at all. To edit your Profile Page, click your username/email in the top right corner of the Command Bar to open your account, and then click My Profile, followed by Profile Page..
Consider the following options when determining how to display your Profile Page:
For more information, see Customizing your profile page.
Learn more about best practices for Profile Boxes & Profile Pages by watching Springshare's video tutorial:
Best Practices for Profile Boxes & Profile Pages
The training session covers:
Adding Profile Images
Editing Contact Info
Integrating Widgets
Customizing Profile Pages