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This guide contains an overview of what Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is, what you can do with GIS, and the kinds of GIS-related services available at the library. This guide can also help you get started with your GIS research, data management, or course work. You will find a variety of resources from UBC libraries, government agencies, and third-party providers that can assist you in your work or research question.
The Getting Started tab provides a basic introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and geospatial data.
The Data Sources tab contains pages with geospatial data sources by location and subject.
The Search Strategies tab tells you how to find, evaluate, and access data sets online.
The Labs and Software tab tells you how to find out more about the GIS facilities and software at UBC, including getting access to ArcGIS and the GIS lab in Koerner library.
The Cite Data tab contains information about how to cite geospatial data, maps, atlases, and more.
The Training Resources tab contains additional training resources, such as books, courses, and videos.
GIS consultations are available through UBC Library’s Research Commons. Consultations are usually scheduled for an hour and can focus on a range of GIS topics. Currently these consultations are being offered by our outstanding GIS Graduate Academic Assistant:
Schedule a consultation with Lily here:
The UBC Library provides access to GIS resources, including data, software, online courses and support.
We can assist you with locating and acquiring geospatial data; subsetting data and converting it into different formats; recommending GIS and mapping tools, and learning more about using GIS software.
We can also assist faculty and instructors by creating and facilitating workshops and other learning materials on finding geospatial data for your students.
Please let us know how we can partner with you:
If you have questions about GIS and data or need assistance with Abacus contact:
If you have questions about maps or geospatial data contact: