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Chinese Special Collections


The Seto Collection (司徒旄藏书) was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Tong Louie to the UBC Library in May, 1967. According to Ms. Tung King Ng, the former Head of Asian Library, the Collection consisted of 1,100 titles in 2,300 volumes [1] (or 1,275 titles in 2,500 volumes according to the Asian Studies Division Report). This Collection supplemented the Library's Chinese holdings in Buddhist literature and philosophical and literary works of the 1912-1965 period.

According to Chinese Immigration List retrieved from Library and Archives Canada, More Seto (Seto Moon Lau) was born on January 15, 1889 in Victoria BC, where his father had settled after he immigrated from San Francisco in the early 1860s. More Seto had an intimate knowledge of the villages and family histories of all the Chinese who immigrated to Vancouver, or “Salt Water City”, as it was known to the newcomers [2] .

Also known as Seto Ying-shek, More Seto was a prominent scholar and activist in the Vancouver Chinese community. During the first decade of the century, he was a founder of the radical Vancouver youth group Chi-chi She, dedicated to the overthrow of the Qing regime. Later, he was involved in the Chinese Nationalist League, an arm of the Sun Yat-sen opposition Kuomintang party.

Mr. More Seto collected an impressive library including many pamphlets and books. After the collection donation by his heirs, UBC library cataloged these items and shelved them in different call number areas. A gift plate (see image 3) can be found on each of the donated materials, and some of them also contain More Seto’s own seal (see image 4-6).


司徒旄藏书由雷钰棠先生及其夫人(Mr. and Mrs. Tong Louie)於1967年5月捐贈給UBC圖書館。 據前亞洲圖書館館長伍冬瓊先生(Ms. Tung King Ng)所統計,該藏書共1100種, 2300余冊 [1] (或1275種,2500余冊,據亞洲圖書館部門報告)。該套藏書涵蓋佛教文學, 哲學,和其他1912至1965年間的文學作品。

根據加拿大圖書館和檔案館的《中國移民名單》文獻,司徒旄先生於1889年1月15日出生於不列颠哥伦比亚省维多利亚市,他的父親於1860年代初從舊金山移民後定居於此。司徒旄先生對於所有溫哥華的中國移民的中國村莊和他們的家庭歷史, 或也被新移民稱之為的“鹹水之城”,有很深的了解[2]。

司徒旄先生也被熟知為Seto Ying-shek, 是溫哥華華人社區傑出的學者和活動家。在本世紀初前十年,他是溫哥華激进青年組織“Chi-chi She”的創始人,致力於推翻清朝政權。 之後,他參加中國名族主義同盟 - 孫中山反對派國名黨的分支。

司徒旄先生的卓越書藏被其後人捐贈於UBC之後,UBC 圖書館將這些書目編碼分類與不同的書架區域。在這批捐贈物中每一件物品都有捐贈書(見於圖3),一些捐贈書上還包括司徒旄先生的印章(見於圖4-6)。

[1]Ting-king Ng’s article, entitled “The Chinese Collections in Canada: A Review of their Development and Status in Academic Libraries.” which was contributed to the “Essays in Commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of the Fung Ping Shan Library (1932-1982).” (published in 1982)

[2Patti Gully's book entitled Sisters of Heaven: China's Barnstorming Aviatrixes : Modernity, Feminism, and Popular Imagination in Asia and the West. (published in 2007)



        Image 1: Seto's Calligraphy                                 Image 2: Seto's Poem


               Image 3: Gift Plate                                         Image 4: Seto's Seal


                Image 5: Seto's Seal                                       Image 6: Seto's Seal