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   Wei Tingsheng(1890-1977), who styled himself as "Shenfu", "Chengfu" and "Jingye",  was a native of Zaoyang, Hubei Province. He was famous as a Min Kuo economist and historian.

  • In 1906, he went to Japan and received his education at Taisei Middle School. In 1911, he went to the United States to further his studies. He attended Michigan State University and Harvard University, and received master's degrees in business administration and literature. He was proficient in six languages including Chinese, English, French, German, Russian and Japanese.
  • In 1920, after returning to his home country, he started to teach at Nanjing Higher Normal School, participated in organizing National Southeast University. In 1921, he went to Beijing, and served at the Economic Discussion Center run by an American. Later he worked as Secretary of the Bank of China, Head Office, and meanwhile, he taught at Yenching University, Chaoyang Institute and Salt Trade School.
  • In 1927, after Nanjing National Government was established, Wei Tingsheng served as Customs Tax Department Chief. He was also a professor of economics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
  • In 1928, he joined the Legislative Council of the Nanjing National Government and was involved in the design of the Financial Management Act, drafted Bond Law, Budget Law, Statistics Law, Accounting Law, Accounts Act, Government Law and other financial regulations.
  • In 1934, he initiated the establishment of Chinese Accounting Society with Eric Pan, Xu Yongzuo, and he served as Director.
  • In 1938, he was appointed member of the Hubei Provincial Government, and soon left off his post, but he continued working as a full-time legislator, and acted as Chairman of Legal Committee and the vice chairman of Tobacco Monopoly Bureau. He was also Head of the Department of Economics, Fudan University, and a professor of the Institute of Central Political Studies. He presided over the drafting of the Company Law, and was involved in the drafting and amendment of Land Law, Constitution.
  • In 1943, he drafted Local Tax Regulations.
  • In 1944, as advisor of Chinese financial delegation, he attended the Conference of International Association of Stabilization Fund, which was held in the United States. China was elected permanent member of the International Association of Stabilization Fund. It thus became one of the top four among international financial organizations and maintained its status for a long period of time.
  • In 1948, he went to Hong Kong, and gave lectures in Sha Tin Overseas Business School, Hong Kong College, New Asia College, and Zhuhai Academies.
  • In the autumn of 1949, he went to Taiwan and taught in National Taiwan University.
  • In 1953, he transferred to University of the Philippines and taught there as a professor.
  • In 1956, he returned to Harvard University and engaged in the study of botany.
  • In May 1977, he passed away in California.



1906年留学日本,1911年留学美国,先后就读密歇根州立大学、哈佛大学,获商业管理及文学两硕士学位,通晓中、英、法、德、俄、日六国语言。1920年归国后任教于南京高等师范学校,参加筹办国立东南大学。1921年赴北京,在美国人端纳开办的经济讨论处任英文撰述员。后任中国银行总管理处秘书,并于燕京大学、朝阳学院、盐务学校兼课。1927年南京国民政府成立后,任关务署税科长,同时兼课交通大学。1928年出任立法院立法委员,任内参与设计《财政管理法》,起草了《公债法》《预算法》《统计法》《会计法》《决算法》《公库法》等财政法规。1934年与潘序伦、徐永祚等发起成立中国会计学社,任理事。 1938年被任命为湖北省政府委员,不久卸任,仍专任立法委员,代理法制委员会委员长及烟专卖局副董事长职务,并兼任复旦大学经济系主任、中央政治学校计政学院教授。主持起草了《公司法》,参与《土地法》《宪法》的起草及修改。1943年草拟《地方税捐条例》,1944年作为中国财政代表团顾问,出席在美国召开的国际平准基金协会,中国当选为协会常务理事国,从而在国际金融组织中长期为“四强”之一。1948年赴香港,在沙田华侨工商学院、香港书院、新亚书院、珠海书院讲学。1949年秋到台湾大学,1953年转任菲律宾大学教授,1956年回哈佛大学,从事植物学研究。1977年5月在美国加利福尼亚州病逝。


1918年,哈佛商學院M.B.A. 1968年78歲,攝於哈佛大學