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Political Science

A guide for conducting research in Political Science at UBC Library

Key Databases for Political Science Articles

There is not a single database to search for articles from all journals with relevance to Political Science. Searching Summon and Google Scholar are both excellent starting points for Political Science research. Below is a list of key databases, as well as some subject specific databases that are often valuable for interdisciplinary research. 

Keywords are very important when developing a search strategy, particularly in Political Science. Many keywords contain inherent biases and perspectives. A search for ideology and "United States" within Worldwide Political Science Abstracts returns over 40,000 results. A search for hegemony and "United States" returns fewer than 17,000 results. Selecting keywords carefully can help to narrow the focus of research results, but can also lead to results that reinforce a viewpoint, rather than cover all perspectives. 

Searching by country names and regional descriptors also requires careful consideration. The United Kingdom, Britain and UK are often used interchangeably in conversation and yet will lead to different results, due to their actually unique meanings. At times, countries in the Caribbean may be understood as part of Latin America or South America, and at other times these regions are understood quite discretely. These two examples are provided to highlight the need for careful consideration of language when searching.

Summon Search

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Google Scholar Search

Google Scholar Search

Tricks for searching Google Scholar effectively

Additional Relevant Databases