Clinical faculty with a current UBC appointment access UBC Library online resources via the library's website. Simply log in when prompted using your Campus-Wide Login (CWL). Click on the LOGIN button at the top right of any library page (including this one) and choose "OpenAthens Login". If you don't know your CWL username or password, please visit this page.
Some publishers will provide the option of logging in directly through their websites, usually via an "institutional login" link. Choose "University of British Columbia Library OpenAthens" and you will be directed to log in using your CWL. For the most consistent experience, we recommend using the UBC Library website as the starting point for searches and access to e-resources.
If you are based in the Vancouver or Kelowna area and would like to borrow physical library materials or place InterLibrary Loan/Document Delivery requests, you can obtain a UBC Card (UBCcard - Vancouver | UBCcard - Kelowna), which has many other functions on campus.
For more general information on OpenAthens, please visit our Connect guide.
For questions or problems concerning library accounts, please contact us here.