The UBC Library provides assistance for clinical faculty and medical residents needing to effectively access and use biomedical databases in their clinical activities, teaching and research.
A number of UBC Librarians at Woodward Library (see link) and BMB Library/VGH (see link) work with UBC faculty to support the medical program, and with librarians at hospitals and clinical sites, to teach UBC medical undergraduates, graduates, postdocs, medical residents, faculty, and clinical faculty about how to find and use library resources.
Clinical Faculty have access to UBC Library collections, both in print and electronic formats. Some key resources are listed on this page and you can search for others using indexes and databases. See this guide to learn about finding specific journal articles in our full text collections. Full text journals are available whenever the UBC library has a current subscription.
UBC Clinical Faculty*
- Eligible faculty will have an active UBC appointment with UBC Human Resources.
- You can apply for a CWL at this link: Campus Wide Login.
- A valid CWL associated with your Employee ID is required to access UBC library electronic resources.
- In addition, you can apply for a UBCcard (Vancouver campus | Kelowna campus) to borrow print books, or place an Interlibrary Loan request.
- USE your UBC Employee ID number to apply for your UBCcard. If you have not received it, contact Clinical Faculty Affairs by email:
- Contact UBC library to enquire about the current status of your library privileges at
* Clinical faculty who are members of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC (CPSBC) and used their Library may qualify for UBC Library access. However, you will need to be a current clinical faculty member with some teaching responsibilities at UBC to qualify.
Library Access for UBCV and UBCO Faculty
UBC Emeriti Faculty
- Emeriti faculty must have an appointment with UBC Human Resources that reflects their emeriti status.
- Emeriti faculty will have full access to library eResources using their CWL (Campus Wide Login) and other library services (including borrowing books, placing Interlibrary Loan requests) when they apply for a new UBCcard through the UBC Carding Office
UBC Retired Faculty
- Retired faculty must have an appointment with UBC Human Resources that reflects their retirement status.
- Retired faculty will have access to most library services (including borrowing books, placing Interlibrary Loan requests) but only retired faculty who also have emeriti status listed with UBC Human Resources will have remote access to library eResources.
Library Access for People Unaffiliated with UBC