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ENGL 500

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a valuable search tool for doing research, especially for finding citation information in the humanities.

Use the Library links option in Settings for Google Scholar, to add the University of British Columbia. Links to content available through UBC Library will display with your Google Scholar search results.

On the Google Scholar page, Sign In if you have a gmail account.

After you sign in:

  1. Click on "Settings" and then "Library Links"
  2. Search for University of British Columbia then select and save the "University of British Columbia - UBC eLink" result.

If you do not have a Gmail account, just go to the menu on the upper left, select "Settings" and follow through as above.

In your search results, click on UBC eLink to access resources UBC Library subscribes to.

Off-campus users will be asked to authenticate via EZproxy using a CWL, before they can link to articles.


Try searching for the article: Incognito, intervention, and dismemberment in Adam Bede which was published by Deanna Kreisel in the journal ENGLISH LITERARY HISTORY in 2003.

Web of Science

Web of Science consists of five databases containing information gathered from thousands of scholarly journals and, just recently, conference proceeding, in all areas of research, including: the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Science Citation Index Expanded. In addition to cited reference searching, you can search these databases by topic, author, source title, and address. It is an excellent database to use for searching interdisciplinary topics.

Let's start by conducting a basic search for articles by Vin Nardizzi.

  • Enter: nardizzi v* in the search box and change the index to Author.
  • In Editions above, limit your search to Arts & Humanities Citation Index and click Search. (Note: Web of Science uses only initials for first names of authors and an asterisk will broaden your search.)
  • You will get over 20 results which you can refine by Document Types (e.g. Book Reviews, Articles etc.) or Web of Science Categories (e.g. Literature, Theater etc.).
  • Finally, you can use Sort by at the top of the list and adjust your results from Date: newest first to Citations: highest first.
  • Click on the article Shakespeare's Penknife: Grafting and Seedless Generation in the Procreation Sonnets. On the right you can see who cited this article and also find other relevant articles by clicking on View Related Records. This allows you to analyze the results in various ways.

You can also do cited reference search in the Web of Science database. Assume you discovered an interesting journal article or a book, and you want to find other articles that have cited 'your' article or book. For example, try a citation search for Judith Butler's 1988 article in Theatre Journal "Performative acts and gender constitution: an essay in phenomenology and feminist theory".

  • On the main search screen select CITED REFERENCES
  • In corresponding boxes enter Cited Author (Butler J*), Cited Work (Theatre Journal) and Cited Year(s) (1988)
  • Click on Search
  • You can now explore over 1,000 works that have cited "Performative acts and gender constitution: an essay in phenomenology and feminist theory" since 1988 and Refine results by applying filters of your choice.

For more information, see: Strategies for getting results.

Citation Searching?

Woodcut carved by Johann von Armssheim (1483). Portrays a disputation between Jewish and Christian scholars (Soncino Blaetter, Berlin, 1929. Jerusalem, B. M. Ansbacher Collection).