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SCIE 101 - Science 101


Welcome to the UBC Library research guide for Science 101!

Here you will find links to a variety of resources that we hope you will find useful. There are many more resources available at the UBC Library branches. Please feel free to visit and ask questions to help find what you're looking for!

Woodward Library Session Slides

How to Access Library Resources

The main page for information on how to access UBC Library resources is here. You can also ask in-person or by phone at a UBC Library branch. Some examples of ways to access resources are listed below:

Science 101

Science 101 students can also borrow most print books, DVDs, and other physical resources.

Guest Access

Anyone is welcome to visit a UBC Library branch and use the Library's physical resources while in the library.

To register for Guest Access for the computers please visit the Information Desk in the Library branch. You will need to fill out a form and provide one piece of government ID. If you have a CWL you can use the CWL to login to the computers.

Indigenous Community Borrower Cards

Community members who are Indigenous and live in Canada can sign up for a free Borrower Card. To apply, please bring one piece of government issued ID and proof of permanent address in Canada to the circulation desk in Koerner Library or Okanagan Library. Find out more here.

UBC Learning Exchange

There are lots of resources available through the UBC Learning Exchange, including the DTES Research Access Portal (RAP), which collects together research-related materials related to the Downtown Eastside.

Open Access Digital Materials

There are many open access materials available and many are highlighted through this guide as they make research and other materials easier to find and use (online) from anywhere. Some examples include UBC cIRcle and UBC Open Collections.

Research Help

Need help? Please don't hesitate to contact us.

For quick research help, contact Woodward Library via phone, email, or in-person, or use the AskAway chat service.

Librarian Helen Brown

Helen Brown

Email | (604) 822-4442

Librarian for environmental and biological science fields.


Librarian Aubrey Geyer

Aubrey Geyer

Email | (604) 827-0578

Librarian for occupational therapy and physical therapy, undergraduate medicine.