There are many places to find scholarly journal articles. We'll list a few places and strategies below.
The easiest way to search for articles is using Summon, found on the UBC Library homepage.
Article Databases
You can also search within subject specific databases, which are listed under "Indexes and Databases" on the homepage. These searches can be more time consuming but databases allow you to search only within a set of relevant journals and provide more searching options, which means you can perform more complex searches.
Browsing Journals
You can also browse our journals online from a library computer, or you can browse our print journals in the Library. Most print journals are on Woodward's first floor in the new journal section or on the 3rd floor. Most of our journals are now only available online and can be found by searching under the "Journals" tab on the UBC Library homepage or using the Browzine link below.
Open Access
Many articles or journals are openly available online and don't require a subscription. These can be accessed from any internet connection. See some of the resources listed below.
Searching Help
The Research Skills for Engineering Students Tutorial and Videos provides great tips on searching for articles, as well as books and other resources.
Summon currently indexes more than 200 million open access items, including articles, books, thesis, technical reports, images, and more.
Search Summon by going to the Library homepage or using the search below. Once you search, you can filter your search by "Journal Article" or by the "Publication Date" options.
If you are only interested in open access articles, search Summon (General) on the Library homepage, and then use the "Open Access" filter.