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First Nations and Indigenous Art

This guide provides resources on topics related to First Nations and Indigenous art and visual and material culture.

Canadian Art Exhibition Catalogues

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The Canadian Art Exhibition Catalogues Collection is housed in display cabinets on Level 3 and Level 4 of the Ridington Room. This reading room is located inside the Music, Art & Architecture Library, in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre.

The collection brings together catalogues produced for solo and group exhibitions by Canadian artists (exhibiting work within Canada or internationally) as well as exhibitions mounted at Canadian art institutions. There is strong representation of Vancouver and BC-based artists, and of exhibitions held in Western Canada. It preserves historically important Canadian art materials, serves as a record of art practice in Canada, and is the most in-depth collection of its kind on the West Coast. 

For information about this collection and how to search for materials, see the Exhibition Catalogues section of the Canadian Art research guide. 

Artist Files at MAA Library

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The artist files are housed in the Vertical Files Collection, located on Level 3 of the Music, Art & Architecture Library, in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre

The vertical files make up an extensive filing system that provides a wealth of information in the areas of art, architecture, and community and regional planning, dating back to the 1950s. The paper-based files can include pamphlets, exhibition announcements and reviews, newspaper clippings, planning reports, unpublished manuscripts, biographical information, correspondence, and other ephemeral material.

For information about this collection and how to search for materials, see the Artist Files section of the Canadian Art research guide. 

Vertical Files at X̱wi7x̱wa Library


The majority of X̱wi7x̱wa Library's vertical files are catalogued and organized according to the X̱wi7x̱wa Classification System.

Some of the vertical files are organized alphabetically by subject.

This collection includes files on: Archives (Vancouver), Art (Exhibitions, Inuit, Totem Poles), Artists (Jim Hart, Robert Davidson, Susan Point, Bill Reid), among other topics.

Indigenous Digital Collections

For a detailed outline of Indigenous born-digital content and digital collections at UBC, and beyond, see the: 

Archival Collections at UBC

Archival Collections Beyond UBC