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Lesson Planning (Elementary, Middle Years)

Indigenous Education Lesson Plans (Elementary)

Decolonizing Teaching, Indigenizing Learning: Curriculum Bundles

First Nations Education Steering Committee:

Musqueam & MOA:

Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre: Teaching and Learning Resources

BC Ministry of Education:

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation: Education (includes Teaching Resources)

What Can I Contribute to Meaningful Reconciliation? Teaching and Learning About Residential Schools  A unit about the causes and consequences of residential schools in Canada.

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, Game Lesson Plans (Gr. 3-6)
This site includes two detailed lesson plans for grades 3-6 about First Nations in Canada and takes a game-based learning approach. It should be very useful for elementary teachers. Being run by the federal government, it directly adheres to established educational policies and goals.

BCTF: Aboriginal Education Resources

Blanket Exercise
A teaching tool by KAIROS to raise awareness and understanding of the nation to nation relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. 

Circle Traditions: Talking Circle (Gr. 1)

Claire and her Grandfather

Critical Thinking Consortium:

Crunchers: A Fun Fast-Facts Game about Aboriginal Peoples in Canada
Source: Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Summary: The cruncher is a fun colouring activity that will help children (ages 8-12) learn more about First Nations, Métis and Inuit in Canada.

Culturally-responsive Science Curriculum

Curriculum Connections:  Metis (2004) (Gr. 3, 6, 7, 8)
First Nation Child and Family Caring Society lesson plans
Good contextual discussion of First Nations education and some of the issues surrounding it, and includes links to other good resources as well: all in all, a great resource. Different documents for different age ranges:

First Nations Diary: Documenting Daily Life (Gr. 7-8)

How Grandmother Spider Stole the Sun –Primary Lesson (Gr. 2-3)

Issues Concerning First Nations Today

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada: 

Legacy of Hope Foundation: Education Resources

Open School BC: My Seasonal Round: An Integrated Unit for Elementary Social Studies and Science 

Native Leaders of Canada Lesson Plan (Gr. 4-6)

SD36: Indigenous Learning Teacher Website

Seasonal Traditions (Gr. 2)

Stealing the Sun (Math Integrated Unit) Lesson 1 (Gr. 6)

Stereotypes by Numbers: Investigating and Graphing the Representations of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Peoples in School Library Materials (Gr. 6)

Through Mala’s Eyes

Wilfrid Laurier University, Aboriginal Lesson Plans/Activities
This is a very good resource for teachers who are looking for Aboriginal lesson plans for all grades. Games, activities, and lessons for social studies, language, and history are all covered. 

First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) Resources

Search Power

Because the UBC Library's system for classifying materials is aimed at organizing research and scholarship, searching for curriculum materials can be difficult. We recommend using the following terms for a targeted search within the library catalogue for K-12 teaching and learning resources. These results have been limited to books and e-books in the Education Library:

Add these terms to the subject area, lesson topic, or theme to find books and other materials on your topic.

For example: "study and teaching" AND science

The below handout will provide more guidance for effectively searching for teaching resources in the UBC Library: