Tools to help find related works and visually analyze how papers are connected.
Connected Papers
Connected Papers is a unique, visual tool to help researchers and applied scientists find and explore papers relevant to their field of work. Papers are connected based on their similarity. They do not have to be cited in order to be included. The database is connected to the Semantic Scholar Paper Corpus (licensed under ODC-BY). You need an account to use this tool, but it has a free version available.
Inciteful also connects papers through two options: Paper Discovery and Literature Connector. Paper Discovery finds similar papers, important papers and prolific authors based on the citation or citations you provide. The Literature Connector works well for interdisciplinary topics. Add two papers and the tool will find how they are connected in the literature. You do not need an account to use Inciteful.
Research Rabbit
Research Rabbit is similar to Connected Papers. It enables you to discover and visualize relevant literature and scholars, create alerts, and share collections. You need to create an account to use this tool, but it has a free version available.