The creation, ongoing editing, and review of this research guide is a collaborative effort. Contributors include: Natalie Trapuzzano, Graduate Student Archives Assistant at RBSC (Summer 2020); Gabriella J. Cigarroa, Co-op Project Archivist at RBSC (Summer 2023); Claire Williams, Forestry Archivist; Krisztina Laszlo, Archivist; and Allan Cho, Research Commons Librarian.
As mentioned on other pages, this research guide is intended to be a work in progress that not only becomes more accurate over time, but more holistic and complete as well. We understand and accept that appropriate and respectful terminology continues to change and evolve. To that end, we welcome and encourage any feedback, suggestions, or criticisms regarding any of the terminology or resources that we have presented here.
We will also be happy to receive suggestions for further resources to include in this guide. Anything that will help researchers more easily access archival materials and conduct archival research relevant to the diverse and important experiences of Asian Canadians is welcome and encouraged.
To offer feedback or provide us with resources that you think should be included in this guide, please contact us using this form or email Krisztina Laszlo, RBSC Archivist, at
Likewise, expanding and growing our holdings in this area is a priority for Rare Books and Special Collections. If you have materials you would like us to consider, please contact