29th Parliament (1970) - Present
- Available online and at Koerner Library at J110.L5 D42.
- Note, there are both subject and speaker indexes available for this Hansard collection.
Pre-1970 - BC Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping Books (1891-1972)
- The Debates/Hansard were not formally collected and published before 1970, but they were widely reported in the local press. Staff members at the Legislative Library would clip any such reports from the local papers and maintained the clippings in British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping Books.
- Online:
- Print and Microfilm:
- Available in microfilm at Koerner Library for 1890 - 1894, 1896 - 1972 at AW1.R5782.
- Print version in Rare Books and Special Collections.
- The Clipping Book Collection does not have an index so you may want to consult the BC Newspaper Index to help manage your search. The BC Newspaper Index covers content from Vancouver Sun, the Vancouver Province and the Victoria Times-colonist for 1900 - 1970 and are organized alphabetically by topic. A print holding is available in the Koerner Library at AW1.R5065.