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Reading a citation

Remember that a citation to an article has two titles: 1) The title of the article and 2) the title of the journal.

Sample Article:

Deo, H., Ojukwu, E., & Boschma, G. (2023). Breast/chest feeding support: Critically analyzing a Canadian policy guiding nursing practice. Witness : The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse, 5(1), 17-30.

The title of the article is:  Breast/chest feeding support: Critically analyzing a Canadian policy guiding nursing practice
The title of the journal is: Witness: The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse

Other parts of a journal citation are the: author, date, volume, issue, page number(s), doi (digital object identifier)

Practice exercise - Parts of a Journal Citation

Start Image Author Year Title of Article Title of Journal Volume Issue Pages DOI Key Author(s) Year of Publication Title of Article Issue Title of journal Volume Page numbers DOI