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UBC Library Informatics for Nursing and Nutrition


History of The UBC Library Informatics for Nursing tutorial

The UBC Library Informatics for Nursing tutorial has been used by students in the UBC School of Nursing since 2009. It was based on the UBC Library Information Navigator tutorial written by Sheryl Adam, and updated for nursing students by Nursing Librarian, Lee Ann Bryant. Additional restructuring and rewriting was authored by Katherine Miller in 2016. Suzan Zagar was the key technical creator. Thanks to Yvonne Chan for her ongoing support of software challenges. Thanks to the Woodward Library Information Desk staff for ongoing library and research support.

We would like to acknowledge the use of images from the following:

  1. PhotoDisc Volumes 59: Medicine Today: Nursing image banner
  2. Animated boolean and truncation images by Zagar, Suzan, identified by UBC Library, is free of known copyright restrictions

In July 2024, this tutorial was expanded to support UBC nutrition students' library research skills.

This tutorial is licensed under the Creative Commons License, Attribution-Share Alike 2.5.