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Transportation Engineering

Finding UBC Theses by Department

Search for UBC Theses in cIRcle

In cIRcle you can search UBC theses and dissertations by program. At the cIRcle home page, select Theses & Dissertations under Browse Collections and on the next page click on UBC Theses & Dissertations. On the right side of the page you can browse UBC theses by department, faculty and program. After clicking on your choice, you can refine your search by degree type and other filters (on the left column).

Finding Theses at UBC and Beyond

All masters' level theses and doctoral dissertations are considered graduate theses. We use the term thesis to refer to both unless it is necessary to distinguish them. 

UBC Civil Engineering Theses

The RSS feed for the most recent cIRcle theses in civil and transportation engineering. To replicate this search on your own:

  1. Navigate to the cIRcle homepage
  2. In the search bar type affiliation: "civil engineering" OR citation:"civil engineering" "transportation engineering"
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