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Dietetics & Nutrition

Dietetics Interns

Evaluation of Resources and Critical Appraisal


FNH 398 Class

Sept 12th - lecture:

Please review the following content prior to our class together Tuesday, Sept 12th @ 8 AM PST: Medline (Ovid) - ~20 minutes of videos: Play all videos This content will be used in class for a graded quiz at the beginning of class and also for FNH 398 Assignment 1.


Sept 13th - tutorial:

Wednesday, Sept 13th 2:00 - 3:30 pm via Zoom. Create an Ovid Medline account. Try searching. Save your search. Bring your questions to the tutorial!

Recommended: use the Medline Guided Exercise to build your search ,

FNH 398 Assignment 1 Tips


  • Question: Do I need to use all of the PICO elements in my search?

Answer: No. Often, you will simply search for the P & I, or P & O. Depending on the amount of literature, you may find that your results are too small if you search for P, I and O.

  • Question: Can I create a very different PICO question than the one listed in the scenario?

 Answer: There is some flexibility in your PICO - e.g. your friend may be a senior citizen, or pregnant, however you PICO should be based on the general scenario that has been provided.

From the Assignment, "Using the scenario below as a guide, develop a clear question following the PICO framework. You do not need to include all of the components of the scenario in your PICO question; rather use this scenario to inspire a specific, searchable, and focused question. You can choose which age group, gender, life course stage (i.e. pregnant, breastfeeding, adult, senior) that is of interest for your hypothetical patient/population. There are more than one “correct” PICO questions that can emerge from this scenario, so keep your question clear and focused.

Scenario: : Your friend is concerned about becoming too stressed during the school year and has heard that certain micronutrient supplements, including vitamin D, B vitamins, or iron may help improve their mental wellbeing. Your friend wants to know whether they should consider taking one of these.

  • Question: What is the best truncation symbol for searching 0 to 1 character? eg. vitamin B, vitamin B1, vitamin B2....

To find 0 to 1 character e.g. vitamin B, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, etc., use the ? symbol. To find the literature on vitamin B12, you need to use two symbols e.g. vitamin b?? Do not use the truncation symbol: * e.g. vitamin b* as it will retrieve any words starting with b!

See: for more guidance on truncation symbols