Key Considerations:
Overviews of the business and economic climate in Singapore, as well as consumer and industrial trends.
Passport GMID does not provide direct links to their resources.
Access the below reports by pasting the title in the search bar.
Access the below reports by pasting the title in the search bar OR using the "Explore categories" search function. (See screenshot below.)
Report | Category |
Business Dynamics: Singapore | Economies -> Business Dynamics |
Commodities: Singapore | Economies -> Commodities |
PEST Analysis: Singapore | Economies -> Economy, Finance and Trade |
Economy, Finance and Trade: Singapore | Economies -> Economy, Finance and Trade |
Households: Singapore | Consumers -> Households |
Income and Expenditure: Singapore | Consumers -> Income and Expenditure |
Singapore in 2040: The Future Demographic | Consumers -> Population |
Other links:
Access Business Source Ultimate database, then search using keywords. Alternatively, you can search in specific publications. See below.
Search within Bloomberg Opinion for Singapore (GE Geographic Term). Examples:
Access ABI/INFORM database, then search using keywords. Alternatively, you can search in specific publications. See below.
Search within The Economist for Singapore. Examples:
Search within The Wall Street Journal for Singapore. Examples:
Query suggestions: "Business in Singapore" OR (Business AND Singapore); "Singapore AND Politics". Set date to be in the last 3 months. Set region as Singapore. Examples:
Company Information
Market Information
Query: naics("722513*" ) AND ("business intelligence" OR analytics) AND (software OR digitalization OR technology)
Query: Explore categories -> industries -> services -> consumer food service by type -> [select many] -> Singapore -> search
Market Research
Query: ("building information model" OR bim) AND software
Query: "building information" AND (model OR modeling) AND (construction OR "real estate"); Region: Singapore; Date: in the last 2 years
Research AI Query: market information about software for building information modeling in Singapore
Competitor Information
Query: Companies -> type "building information modeling software" into Industries, Verticals, and Keywords -> search
Company Information
Market Information
Query: ("artificial intelligence" OR "machine learning") AND (adoption AND enterprise) AND naics("5416*" )
Query: ("artificial intelligence" OR "machine learning") AND enterprise AND consulting
Query: strategy -> case finder -> filter by keyword: "artificial intelligence" and "consulting" -> find cases
Company Information
Market Information
Query: nanofiber AND (environment* OR sustainab*)
Query: nanofiber AND recycl*
Research AI query: "market research for the nanofiber industry"
Market Information
Query: "social commerce" AND (trend OR challenge OR strateg* OR opportunit*)
Top navigation bar: ecommerce -> social commerce
Query: "social commerce"; refine location to Central and South America
Consumer Insights E-Commerce
To reach this page, click on "Insights" from the top navigation bar, then "Explore Consumer Insights." Under the search bar and beside "popular topics," click on "e-commerce."
Market Information
naics("32192*" ) AND waste
Query: naics("32192*" ) AND crate
Query: (wood OR timber) AND (manufactur* OR product) AND waste
Query: wood AND manufactur* AND "waste management"
Query: wood AND manufactur* AND crate