The following websites provide free easy-to-read Japanese reading materials. Many of them are downloadable and printable, and have Hiragana Ruby.
Enjoy your readings on your devices anywhere, anytime!
Free Books | 無料の読み物 (NPO Tadoku Supporters)
Graded e-books (Level 0-4). All texts are downloadable and printable (PDF).
KC よむよむ (The Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Kansai)
The materials are divided by the level of difficulty, A1-A2/B1. All texts are downloadable and printable (PDF). Audio files are also available for select titles. (Follow the link and see the bottom of the page for further links.)
多読 日本語学習読本
A portal of easy-to-read Japanese books for Japanese language learners and students with hearing difficulties. Downloadable and printable (PDF).
まんがひみつ文庫 (Gakken)
Collection of Japanese educational comics for kids. Topics include STEM and occupations.
Copyright-free books for beginner and intermediate Japanese language learners. Downloadable and printable (PDF). Audio available.
マレーシアの先生が作った読み物 (The Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumper)
Four books written by Japanese teachers in Kuala Lumper, Malaysia. Downloadable and printable (PDF).
西日本新聞 やさしい日本語
Latest news in Nishinihon Shinbun written in easy-to-read Japanese. Ruby available.
やさしい日本語(WITH NEWS)
News about hot topics in Japan written in easy-to-read Japanese. Updated every Saturday. Ruby available.
Japanese news written in easy-to-read Japanese. Embedded dictionary, ruby, and audio available.
Japanese culture
A web magagine about sightseeing in Japan written in easy-to-read Japanese.
niponica | にぽにか (Web Japan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
A web magazine introducing modern Japan. HTML, PDF, e-book formats available.