International statistical and market research reports for over 200 countries, covering consumer products and services, demographic and lifestyle reports and economic data.
A simple to use statistics portal that integrates statistics from thousands of sources, on topics related to business, media, public policy, health and others.
This webpage provides access to thousands of Statistics Canada data tables. Users can search by keyword and apply filters to limit results by subject, geography, frequency, survey, or statistical program.
This interface is an updated way to access Statistics Canada data from the CANSIM (Canadian Socioeconomic Information Management) database. For users familiar with CANSIM, the old CANSIM table numbers can still be used in the keyword search to find specific tables, or their equivalent new content. A table providing concordance between the CANSIM IDs and new table IDs can be found here.
Terms of Use can be found here -
For tips to get the most from these Statistics Canada data tables see UBC Library's Data and Statistics Guide at
CANSIM is a comprehensive database from Statistics Canada containing more than 52 million numeric time series covering a wide variety of social and economic indicators.
Find latest data from the 2016 Census
Find latest data from the 2021 Census - additional data releases pending