The Guide to Indigenous Organizations and Services is an Excel Spreadsheet maintained by the Government of BC. It lists Indigenous community-based services and organizations in British Columbia related to:
The community-based institutes offer a broad spectrum of courses and programs that include: college and university programs leading to certificates, diplomas, and degrees.
Sovereign Bodies Institute builds on Indigenous traditions of data gathering and knowledge transfer to create, disseminate, and put into action research on gender and sexual violence against Indigenous people
Indigenous initiatives at the UBC Farm include: the Musqueam Garden, Maya in Exile Garden, Tu’wusht Project, and Indigenous Health Research and Education Garden.
National campaign intended to engage all Canadians in a dialogue about the history of residential schools, their resulting impacts and the need for healing and reconciliation.
The political and administrative body for the collective interests of the Métis Settlements. Develops, implements, and distributes programs and services to the eight Alberta settlements. Promotes Métis culture, identity, and self-government.
The iNative research group at the University of Washington Information School (iSchool) is composed of Native American and Alaska Native scholars, information professionals, and students concerned with addressing the information challenges faced by Native nations.
This project will produce an annotated bibliography of all relevant writing and critical resources up to the year 1992, including preliminary work in French; when such distribution is legal and in keeping with Indigenous ethics and protocols it will make the original literary texts openly accessible.