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Research Skills for Engineering Students

This tutorial supports the development of engineering information literacy skills

All about search

When trying to solve engineering problems, you really need to know what information is already out there. This section covers:

  • How to take huge amounts of search results and narrow them down 

  • How to figure out which keywords will get you the best results  

  • How to decide where to search for different types of information 

The first stop for most researchers is a general search engine like Google or Bing, and no matter what you type, you will get results.

  • How do you find academic sources without sifting through endless search results?
    • The answer: Search within an engineering database and select your keywords carefully
  • How do you know what kind of information sources your professors want you to read to inform your assignments?
    • The answer: Read your assignment guidelines carefully and use search filters in a database to narrow your focus to relevant sources that match the guidelines