Premier engineering database, covering the core literature of the engineering field, including related specialties and technologies.
There are search operators you can use throughout most databases, which help to include and exclude results.
A good way to brainstorm relevant keywords is through controlled vocabulary or subject headings. They describe what the article is about, and can be found in the detailed view of an article record. The vocabulary or headings make up a list in the database known as a thesaurus. The thesaurus contains synonyms, as well as broader and narrower terms. You’ll see an example of using a thesaurus in part 2 of this module.
Conduct the same search in the Compendex Engineering Village database, and the search engine that you normally use
Search for: "Autonomous vehicles" AND "object detection"
Scroll through the top ten results in Compendex and your search engine and notice the different types of resources: journal articles, corporate websites, theses, blogs, conference proceedings, standards...
Add at least one additional keyword or phrase to make your search more specific in both places
Comparing the results side by side should demonstrate the value of searching within Compendex when looking for scholarly engineering sources