Compendex Engineering Village is a database that contains over 30 million records of published material in the field of engineering including journal articles, conferences proceedings, technical standards and more. It is the top database that we recommend for conducting engineering research.
Premier engineering database, covering the core literature of the engineering field, including related specialties and technologies.
Image description: Screenshot of the Compendex search results screen which displays the search box at the top. Highlighted is the use of Boolean operators, and the ability to add a search field to expand the search box. Limiting by date and document type are circled just below the search box. The UBC eLinks is highlighted as the way to connect to full text.
Image description: Screenshot of the Compendex database highlighting the controlled vocabulary filter. Clicking view more allows you to see all of the subtopics contained within your results list.
Image description: Screenshot of the Compendex database record display, highlighting the UBC eLink, the journal and article title, additional citation info, as well as controlled vocabulary and additional keywords.
Scopus is an interdisciplinary database containing more than 87 million documents covering 240 disciplines, including engineering. As engineering problems often require the knowledge of many disciplines to solve, an interdisciplinary perspective is very valuable. The skills covered in the Design a Better Search video apply to searching Scopus.
Image description: Screenshot of Scopus search results page, showing the search box at the top and highlighting the default search fields, the ability to use Boolean logic in the search field, the default results display by date, and the UBC eLInk for full text under each result.
Image description: Screenshot of Scopus subject filter which is necessary to limit results by discipline, as Scopus covers many subjects
Go to the Compendex Engineering Database
Select "Subject/Title/Abstract" as the field to search and then type: earthquake OR seismic
Pay attention to how many results you have. This is a broad search for any articles that deal with earthquakes or seismicity