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COMM 525 - Introduction to Behavioural Research For Business

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Cited by Feature

The Cited by Feature connects you easily with articles that cite a particular article of interest to you (e.g. written by you, a mentor or someone that is central to your research, provided that article appears in the Web of Science)

Example: Sandra Robinson co-authored an article "Trust that binds: the impact of collective felt trust on organizational performance" in the Journal of Applied Psychology in 2008.

  1. Search for Robinson, S* (author)
  2. Search for the abbreviation of the journal by using the Find command (Ctrl + F)
  3. Enter the publication year
  4. Click on Create Citation Report see both citing articles and the articles she has cited

The Citation Report feature displays bar charts for the number of items published each year and the number of citations each year, plus counts for the average number of citations per item, the number of citations per year per publication, average number of citations per year per publication, and the H-index.