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To find information (papers, sources & evidence) to support your clinical activities & research in anesthesia...

GETTING HELP With Data & Statistics

MANAGING Research Data

Research data is data created or generated as part of your research. It may include numeric data, text, transcripts, images, video and audio recordings, etc. Research data management (RDM) prevents data loss, stores data securely and facilitates data sharing.

UBC Library offers advice and services for research data management, including 

Learn more at the UBC Library Research Data Management website, via the Research Data Alliance's Training Materials, or attend one of UBC Library’s workshops. Check the instruction calendar for dates and times.  

FINDING Unpublished Study Data & Regulatory Data

Clinical study reports are extensive documents produced by pharmaceutical companies for regulatory agencies such as Health Canada, the FDA or EMA. Sometimes summaries are available online, but obtaining the full report may not be possible. Some pharmaceutical companies now allow researchers to access to data included in ongoing clinical trials. For more information see: