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Malarial Areas

Malarial Areas


The BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) is determined to provide provnicial and national leadership in public health through surveillance,  detection, treatment, management, prevention, and consultation services in the context of diseases and conditions, food inspection, environmental management, immunizations and vaccines, public outbreaks and emergencies, and infection prevention. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the United States's leading public health agency, dedicated to protecting the health of Americans.

ImmunizeBC is a collaborative project of the Ministry of Health, BC Centre for Disease Control, regional health authorities, First Nations and Inuit Health, the BC Pharmacy Association and the Public Health Association of BC. They operate to improve the health of British Columbians in relation to vaccine-preventable diseases, and the illness, disability and death that they cause.

Developed on recommendations and statements from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) and the Committee to Advise on Tropical Medicine and Travel (CATMAT), a comprehensive resource on immunization for health professionals, vaccine program decision-makers and other Canadian stakeholders with an interest in immunization.

Directs and coordinates international health within the United Nations’ system.

Online Multimedia

A map providing information on malaria endemicity throughout the world.

International Travel and Health Interactive map depicting countries or areas at risk by disease.