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Government Publications - Intergovernmental Organizations

Citation styles


From the Arizona State University Libraries. "DocsCite is a step-by-step guide to putting government publication citations into proper style format" using either MLA or APA style.

Citing Government Information Sources Using MLA Style:

From the University of Nevada, Reno Libraries. This website provides examples for citations in MLA style for a wide variety of document types and source agencies, such as Presidential papers, US Supreme Court decisions, public laws, statistical tables and more.

Brief Guide to Citing Government Publications:

From University of Memphis Libraries. This guide provides sample citations based on the Chicago/Turabian style and includes how to cite less common formats such as microforms, maps, and various types of databases.

Diana Hacker: Research & Documentation Online:

This site provides extensive information on research as well as standard paper formats, in-text citations and bibliographies/list of works cited for APA, Chicago, MLA and CSE style. Includes sample paper for each style, with rules illustrated in context.