Provides market analysis and forecasting on a wide range of major emerging technological and scientific developments in the industrial, pharmaceutical and high technology sectors worldwide.
The CB Insights tech market intelligence platform analyzes millions of data points on venture capital, startups, patents, partnerships and news mentions to predict emerging technologies and trends.
Market research and trend analysis on digital media, marketing and commerce. Topics covered include B2B and B2C eBusiness, online consumer behaviour, social media, mobile devices.
Market research reports for consumer products, demographics, food, beverage, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and more. Includes reports from various sources, including Freedonia Focus, Packaged Facts and Kalorama.
International statistical and market research reports for over 200 countries, covering consumer products and services, demographic and lifestyle reports and economic data.
A simple to use statistics portal that integrates statistics from thousands of sources, on topics related to business, media, public policy, health and others.