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THTR 500 - Bibliography and Research Methods

Getting Started

Graduate Student Resources in the Library

The number of library workshops for graduate students has expanded with the Koerner Library Research Commons. For more information about the Research Commons and a list of upcoming workshops, have a look at the following links. If you have any ideas for other workshops, please let me know.

·  Research Commons

The UBC Research Commons offers workshops throughout each term as well as individual consultation appointments, via the link under "Consultations" on the main Research Commons page. They also have resources to help you write your thesis/dissertation, including a thesis template.

·  Library Guide for Graduate Students
General information about UBC Library services.

·  Library sessions in the Graduate Student Workshop Series
Calendar for upcoming workshops for graduate students.

Citing Your Sources

I recommend that you invest some time in learning to use one of the online citation management tools. Have a look at our How To Cite guide for a description of some of the more popular tools.

The UBC Research Commons offers workshops throughout each term on three of the most popular citation management tools: RefWorks, Mendeley, and Zotero. To view upcoming workshops and to register for a session, visit the Library Workshops and Events Calendar.


Theatre Liaison Librarian

UBC Vancouver

Profile Photo
Anne Olsen
She | Her
Humanities & Social Sciences
Walter C. Koerner Library
1958 Main Mall | Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2