The following select volumes are available through the Early Canadiana Online (ECO) is a digital library providing access to 2,159,724 pages of Canada's printed heritage. It features works published from the time of the first European settlers up to the early 20th Century:
- Bibliography of the Chinookan languages (including the Chinook jargon) Pilling, James Constantine. 1893.
- Chinook and shorthand rudiments : with which the Chinook jargon and the Wawa shorthand can be mastered without a teacher in a few hoursJ. M. R. Le Jeune. 1898.
- The Chinook jargon Eells, Myron. 1894.
- Chinook jargon Old employee, formerly of the Hudson Bay Company. 18--?
- Dictionary of the Chinook jargon : to which is added numerous conversations, therby enabling any person to speak Chinook correctly Blanchet, Francis Norbert, 1795-1883. 1869?]
- Hymns in the Chinook jargon language Eells, Myron. Portland, Or. : Geo. H. Himes, 1878.
- An international idiom : a manual of the Oregon trade language, or "Chinook jargon" Hale, Horatio, 1817-1896. London : Whittaker, 1890.
- Pocket dictionary of the Chinook jargon : the Indian trading language of Alaska, the Northwest Territory and the northern Pacific coast. San Francisco : Downing & Clark, 1898.
- Vocabulary of the Chinook jargon : the complete language used by the Indians of Oregon, Washington Territory and British Possessions. San Francisco : Hutchings & Rosenfield, 186?