Dr Tahu Kukutai (Te Mana Raraunga)
Te Ritorito 2017: 'Understanding indigenous data sovereignty: Opportunities and challenges for whānau, hapū and iwi wellbeing"
Kayla Lar-Son, Indigenous Services and Programs Librarian at the University of British Columbia, presents “Data as Relation: Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Ethic of Care”
Toolkit for the Digitization of First Nations Knowledge (Indigitization)
The purpose of the toolkit is to provide a reference document as well as a series of templates for BC First Nations communities interested in undertaking digitization projects. The Indigitization toolkit also fits into a broader goal to provide support to First Nations communities in the management of their information.
Indigitization is a B.C. based collaborative initiative between Indigenous communities and organizations, the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, the Museum of Anthropology, Northern BC Archives (UNBC), and the School for Library, Archival and Information Studies, to facilitate capacity building in Indigenous information management.
Traditional Knowledge Documentation Toolkit (World Intellectual Property Organization)
Provides basic information about documenting traditional knowledge, and in particular the intellectual property implications, with practical guidance on key issues that need to be thought-through before, during, and after documenting traditional knowledge. (2017).
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