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Climate Action Week

(apple image by Mircea Ploscar on Pixabay)

UBC & City of Vancouver Goals

Taking Action

Agriculture alone accounts for 8.5% of BC's emissions. ("GHG emissions twice as high as estimates" Country Life in BC).

Here are some actions that you can take:

At UBC, look for the Climate Friendly Food Label

  • This food label is a project currently being piloted at select UBC food venues, including Open Kitchen. As this post from UBC Campus and Community Planning explains, "a menu item with the Climate-Friendly Food Label means that the item generated less GHG emissions, water, and nitrogen per 100 grams of food produced than the other items on the menu".  Check out UBC Sustainability's Food webpage for more information.

Get involved with UBC initiatives and groups that support sustainable food systems

Take part in collective action for climate change

Prioritize plants and minimize meat consumption when possible

Eat local produce, or even grow your own

  • Eating local produce reduces the amount of greenhouse gases that are required to get food from the source to your plate. When possible for your lifestyle, try purchasing your produce from somewhere guaranteed to have local produce, such as a farmer's market. Often, the produce at these markets is even cheaper than the grocery store! has a great list of farmer's markets that you can visit in Vancouver.
  • If you want to try growing your own produce at home, check out UBC's Seed Lending Library to learn how to get free seeds from UBC and access resources that support growing your own food.

Check for the Ocean Wise symbol when you purchase seafood

Films/Streaming Media

Books: Explaining the Problems of Our Current Food Systems

Books: Presenting Solutions for a Sustainable Future