Catalogue of US Government Publications: Lists and describes federal publications (primarily 1976- ) and provides direct links to those that are available online. Search by authoring agency, title, subject, and general keyword. (See next tab for pre-1976 documents.)
govinfo: Presents online versions of major U.S. government publications, such as: the Congressional Record, congressional publications of all kinds, the Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations, Supreme Court decisions, executive branch documents and more. (Replaces the FDsys website.) Official portal to U.S. government information and services on a federal, state, tribal and local agency level. Typical documents found here are government forms, food/product recalls, consumer guides, program information, statistics, government news, tax guidelines etc.
MetaLib: A service of the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications, is a Federated search engine that searches and retrieves reports, articles and citations, and also provides links to selected resources that are available online.
GovSpeak: A guide from UC San Diego on US government acronyms.
UBC Library Subscription databases
Hein Online includes the Code of Federal Regulations, the Federal Register, Statutes at Large, U.S. Attorney General Opinions, the Congressional Record, Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Public Papers of the Presidents and many other executive agency and Congressional documents.
ProQuest U.S. Serial Set Digital Collection:
This database includes Congressional reports and documents as well as executive agency and departmental reports ordered to be printed by Congress.
Statistical Abstract of the United States : Authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States. Online from 1878; including Historical Statistics from 1789-1957. (Replaces the previously-free Census Bureau publication, which are available online).
CQ weekly and CQ Weekly reports on the world's most powerful legislative body completely and accurately every week. The CQ news team covers virtually every act of Congress, delivering nonpartisan news and analysis unavailable anywhere else. Includes floor votes and Congressional transcripts.
Digital National Security Archive:
The Digital National Security Archive (DNSA) is a comprehensive collection of declassified primary source documents central to U.S. foreign and military policy dating from 1945. Document types include: presidential directives, memos, diplomatic dispatches, meeting notes, independent reports, briefing papers, White House communications, email, confidential letters and other secret material.
PAIS - Public Affairs Information Service:
This database serves as an index to the literature of public policy, social policy, and the social sciences in general.
Guide to U.S. Government Publications (Gale).(1998-current) Koerner Reference Z1223.Z7 G82.
United States Government Publications. Microprint format. Call no.: AW10 .U5.
This collection contains the publications found in the Monthly Catalog for the years listed below.
Catalogue of U.S. Government Publications Monthly Catalog .
Discontinued in print in 2004, but is available online from July 1976 to present.
What if I don't have a specific document to search for?
If you are just beginning your research you may want to consult the Monthly Catalog's index for the year(s) you are interested in. The index allows you to search for general subjects, as well as authors and titles of specific documents. Note:
How do I Find a Publication listed in the Monthly Catalog?
The answer is dependent on the publication year of the document in question.