A complete online collection of journals, books, and statistical series and databases published by the OECD since 1998. Use for: full-text access to books, journals and statistics from the OECD.
International statistical and market research reports for over 200 countries, covering consumer products and services, demographic and lifestyle reports and economic data.
Development-oriented statistics from the World Bank: social, economic, financial, natural resources, and environmental indicators for over 200 countries and 18 country groups, covering 1960 to the present.
International economic, company and financial data, that can be downloaded for analysis, display and print
Resource excludes walk-in users. This database is accessible only on specific library workstations. Datastream is licensed for academic purposes only. Users cannot use this product for commercial purposes. User limit: 1 maximum
Development-oriented statistics from the World Bank: social, economic, financial, natural resources, and environmental indicators for over 200 countries and 18 country groups, covering 1960 to the present.
BC government statistics. Includes census data and profiles for BC municipalities and regional districts; population estimates and projections. Select "Census" or "Demography" under "Statistics by Subject" at the top.
This webpage provides access to thousands of Statistics Canada data tables. Users can search by keyword and apply filters to limit results by subject, geography, frequency, survey, or statistical program.
This interface is an updated way to access Statistics Canada data from the CANSIM (Canadian Socioeconomic Information Management) database. For users familiar with CANSIM, the old CANSIM table numbers can still be used in the keyword search to find specific tables, or their equivalent new content. A table providing concordance between the CANSIM IDs and new table IDs can be found here.
Terms of Use can be found here -https://www.statcan.gc.ca/en/reference/licence
For tips to get the most from these Statistics Canada data tables see UBC Library's Data and Statistics Guide at https://guides.library.ubc.ca/datastatistics/statisticscanada
Selected statistics from the entire UN system. Summary tables cover agriculture, population, industry, national accounts, energy, health, human development, trade, refugees, education, employment, and technology.