Reach out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this guide.
Alex Kuskowski, Learning Services Librarian at UBC-V:
Most journal articles are available online but those that are not can be delivered to you via the Internet. You will be sent the link via email.
Sometimes we can obtain these from our local collections; other times we need to order from other libraries. Please plan extra time for delivery.
If you are a distance education student living in Canada or the United States and do not live local to a UBC campus, you are also eligible for delivery of print books, cds, dvds etc. to your home free of charge. See below to learn how to register for this service.
If you live in Canada, there is no cost to you to return your Library materials. If you reside in the U.S., you are responsible for the cost of returning materials to the Library.
To request home delivery of a UBC Library book, cd, dvd or other print material:
As a registered Distance Education student, your loan period for UBC books is 28 days (undergraduate) or 56 days (graduate). Both are subject to recall by another borrower.
If you do not find a book or journal in the UBC Library catalogue, you may place an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request for it.
Make sure you select "Distance Students" as your home branch. Books ordered through ILL will be sent to you by regular mail or courier, depending on your location. You are responsible for returning ILL books back to UBC Library by the due date, usually within 14 days.