Current UBC students, faculty and staff can access licensed Library resources from off campus. All you need is a valid Campus-Wide Login(CWL) or UBCcard.
Document Delivery (DocDel) is a service that delivers UBC Library materials to you. This service is available to current UBC students, faculty, staff and community borrowers. To request materials not at UBC Library, use Interlibrary Loan.
Find information about course reserve services at UBC Library - including how to place reserve requests.
The My Library Account portal allows you to: track borrowed items and due dates; renew items; track requests, library fines, Document Delivery (DocDel) and InterLibrary Loan (ILL) orders; as well as change UBC Library PIN.
Find a place to work and study. Try out the silent and group study rooms.
Get help copying and printing.
Loan a laptop or other equipment.
Check out the Chapman Learning Commons which provides:
Canvas Help: UBC's learning management system. Find out: how to login, change your personal information, submit an assignment, register your iClicker, and take a quiz.
Scholarly Communications: As a faculty or student scholar, author and/or editor you have a key role in scholarly communications. Learn more about how to more actively manage your copyright, retain your rights as an author, and publish your work in an open-access journal.
cIRcle : cIRcle is UBC’s digital repository for research and teaching materials created by the U: community and its partners. Materials in cIRcle are openly accessible to anyone on the web, and will be preserved for future generations.
How to Cite: Get help with formatting citations from this handy Library guide
AskAway is a service that lets you instantly connect to a librarian and ask questions. AskAway is staffed by librarians from across BC but you are quite likely to contact a UBC librarian if you use the service during working hours.
Pop in to a reference desk
Send an email
Make an appointment with a subject librarian, who can provide personalized help with your research.