Remember our research question: "In infants, does using disposable diapers vs. cloth diapers affect the likelihood of diaper rash?"
In Steps 2 to 5, we completed the first and second piece of our PICO concept - Population and Intervention.
We will now repeat this process for our final PICO element: Outcome
We can combine this with operators we have already learned to make a simpler search string: (diaper* or nappy or nappies) N3 (dermatitis or rash*). This retrieves results with diaper dermatitis, diaper rash, diaper rashes, nappy dermatitis, or nappy rash; it will also retrieve "rashes from nappies", "diaper-caused dermatitis" and "dermatitis due to diapers."
Be careful when using these operators, and check your results to make sure you're getting what you want; you can adjust the number down to find results with a closer relationship. For example, if a paper never mentions "diaper rash" but includes the words near each other by coincidence, e.g. "There are many skin conditions other than rashes. Disregarding diapers, bedding is important".