UBC is dedicated to operating in a copyright compliant manner that respects creators’ and users’ rights. This outlines the services available to UBC Sauder faculty and staff that ensure that course materials comply with Canadian copyright and intellectual property legislation and existing UBC licensing agreements and policies.
Faculty and instructors use UBC’s Library Online Course Reserve (LOCR) system to make course materials available to students online. Once content is submitted to LOCR, staff at the Scholarly Communications and Copyright Office will review the content, obtain reading materials, make copyright determinations, secure licenses where necessary, and upload the content on your behalf.
UBC Sauder faculty and instructors have three options for getting course learning content into the Library’s Online Course Reserve (LOCR) system.
1. Contact the David Lam Library and Canaccord Commons’ Course Reserves Supervisor for course reserve: Jennifer.orme@ubc.ca
2. Email a Microsoft Word or PDF version of your course reading list or syllabus to syllabus.service@ubc.ca (a full-service option that relieves users of the need to enter bibliographic data into the system)
3. Upload material yourself via services.library.ubc.ca/borrowing-services/using-course-reserves/
All options ensure that readings and other learning resources are made available to students while respecting Canadian copyright law and existing UBC licensing agreements and policies.
If you choose Options 1 or 2, please provide:
If you choose Option 2 (the syllabus service) and if you have PDFs of the course materials please share them via syllabus.service@ubc.ca or Workspace; this will expedite the process.
You and your students can access your assigned course material either through the standalone LOCR site, or via the Library Online Course Reserves (LOCR) link in the Canvas course shell.
LOCR will also generate a direct link to your course material in “Instructor Mode.” You may share this link with your students any way you like (email, blog, LMS), as it will work only for enrolled students for that particular course.
Please Note: Materials need to be assessed individually by the Scholarly Communications and Copyright Office for copyright clearance each time the course is offered, even if clearance has been obtained for the course in a previous term.
While most readings can be cleared in a matter of days, acquiring permissions from some publishers can be a lengthy process and, in some cases, may take several weeks. To ensure that the course material is available to students on time, please submit your syllabus as soon as you can.
Instructors may continue to submit reading lists at any time. Materials will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Duplication Services Centre at UBC Sauder assists faculty and staff with course note packages. Staff liaise with the Library, the Copyright Office and the UBC Bookstore to clear copyright. Duplication Services will contact the Course Reserves Supervisor in the David Lam Library for any readings appropriate for LOCR.
Cases should also be directed to UBC Sauder’s Duplication Services Centre. When instructors determine that cases must be used in order to meet the learning objectives of a particular course, Duplication Services administers the process and the cost for cases is passed on to the students via a course fee or via an Ivey online package.
UBC Copyright: copyright.ubc.ca